Sunday, March 31, 2013

A barista works behind the counter at a new Starbucks in New Delhi.
“I used to drink tea every day. But, these days, after the arrival of coffee retail outlets, I am going to those places to have a cup of coffee,” says Jovinson Duarte, a 29-year-old brand service manager at an advertising agency in Mumbai.
Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images
Mr. Duarte, who says a new Starbucks gives him and his friends a place to meet and use free Wi-Fi, is part of a growing number of young Indians increasingly drinking coffee.
Booming coffee demand in India is prompting international companies such as Italy’s Lavazza SpA, Switzerland’s Nestlé SA and U.S.-based Starbucks Corp. to set up shop in the traditionally tea-drinking subcontinent, offering growth when returns are harder to come by in more developed markets.
Rising coffee consumption in India also is likely to support world coffee prices, with analysts forecasting a decrease in bean exports from the country as domestic demand rise.

 Coffee in India; well don Starbucks. Now one should buy shares. India is going from tea drinkers to coffee drinkers and with such a young age of Indians Starbucks will rake in the money. I'm surprised that Starbucks did not enter that market sooner.

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